

Life Members


Founder of the Club in July 1950, it was Joe’s idea to form the Club, and in June of 1950 placed an advert in the local Barossa paper advertising the first meeting at his home, the Temperence Hotel at Keyneton. Joe was the inaugural President and held that position for 10 years. He also held numerous other positions in the Club and was actively involved for over 35 years, including the running of the Club’s control at the 24 Hour Trial, his first taste of motorcycling in the late 1940’s.


Kevin Rohrlach (1928 – 1998) was an Angaston icon, and from an early age decided that he was going to be a success in life. He succeeded in the construction business and he succeeded in his love of motorcycling as well. From ‘drag racing’ on the ‘Marabel ¼ mile’, to scrambles, to stunt riding (Kev Rohrlach Trick Rider was a feature at many country shows) and his crowning glory – setting 27 land speed records on Lake Eyre in the early 60’s, a place where he had been the first person to reach by motorcycle some years earlier. A Founding member of the KMCC, Kev was left a quadraplegic after a car accident in 1996 and passed away from respiratory failure on Boxing Day 1998. Kev’s life is in print; What Next Already?. The life and Times of Kevin Rohrlach.


(1942 – 2003) Arguably, the man who has done more for the Keyneton MCC than any other member. ‘Woof’ joined in 1961 and over 20 years later was still on the Executive Committee helping run the Club. A total of 18 years on the Executive, including 10 as President has not been surpassed, but it was in the mid 60’s that Geoff came to the fore. The mid ‘60’s saw the Club in serious decline, the original members stepping down and with few new members and fewer dollars in the bank     (-/7/3pence, about 73cents), a meeting was held to discuss closing the Club. With Geoff at the front he led a dedicated small band of members to pull the Club along, within 5 years the club boasted its first Clubrooms and was running high quality events. Geoff was also an active racer, trying his hand at scrambles (motocross), Observed and Road Trials, Speedway and Road Racing. ‘Woof’ was the 1st ‘2nd generation’ Life member and helped form a chapter of the Ulyssis MCC in the Barossa and lived up to their motto of growing old disgracefully until he succumbed to cancer in 2003.


Ian joined in the dark days of the 60’s and helped lead the Club toward the success it is today, and is the member responsible for the Club first gaining the Wilton Hall as a clubrooms in 1975 and then purchasing the building in 1980, making the KMCC one of few clubs to own their own clubrooms. Ian acted as liaison between the former owners and the KMCC to take over the building. Ian has also given his land for use for running events, has spent many years on the Executive, including 4 years as President and was a long time delegate to the ACU of SA (now Motorcycling SA). Ian was the first Club member to reach A grade status in Observed Trials and competed at many Australian Titles, a 3rd in the sidecars in 1984 his highest placing and he won the 24 Hour Trial in 1970. A KMCC legend is Ian’s shearing shed, and ‘Zander’s Zoom’ (port) which has kept many members warm after a cold Sunday Trial.


‘Willie’ was one of the true characters in the Club, and one of its hardest workers. Whether an event or a social function or a work bee Willie was always there for the Club. The Club’s Social Secretary through the 70’s it was him, and his crew of helpers, who raised money through social functions for the Club to buy the clubrooms. Willie became a legend though, at least to the kids who grew up in the Club in the 70’s, as half of the ‘Whack & Willie’ sidecar team. Geoff Barratt and Laurie were 2 larger than life characters who became one of the most successful outfit teams the Club has produced, both in Observed Trials and Road Trials. They won the 24 Hour Trial in 1971, but ’78 was a fine swan song for the team. Reuniting after a few years off the duo bought home their outfit in 2nd place in a wet event where only 34 of 152 made it with Willie flying the Club flag as they crossed the finish line.


John, or ‘JR’ is one of the hardest working and most dedicated workers and administrators in the Club’s history and in SA motorcycling. JR joined at the start of 1970 and in 1971 became the first, and to date only KMCC member to run for and be elected to the ACU of SA (now MSA) executive. He was ACU secretary for 5 ½ years and played a big part in the establishment of ACUSA Park. In all John spent 17 years on the ACU/MASA/MSA executive. In the Club he was President for 2 years and has always been on hand to help the Club run events. Since 1988 he has been on the 24 Hour Trial Committee and has chaired the Committee since 1996. 1995 saw John’s finest hour when he was nominated for and awarded the Frank Franklin Trophy for exceptional services to motorcycle sport.


Trevor Diener formed part of the core of the mid 60’s that helped keep the Club going, and helped sow the seeds of KMCC folklore when he convinced his Dad that their property would be ideal for running events on. 40 years later Diener’s Creek is not only part of KMCC history but also 24 Hour Trial history as well. Trevor was very much a behind the scenes worker for the Club, but being a builder by trade he has spent many hours of his time on renovations around the Clubrooms, with the new kitchen, toilets and Life Members room all part of his legacy. Trevor also helped with the running of numerous events for the Club, especially the 1990 & 94 Australian Observed Trials Titles. His successes on a bike (refer to the champions section) never affected his natural self and Trevor was always there to help younger and up and coming riders with advice and ideas.

MAX LEE, 1982

Joining the Club in the late ‘60’s Max was an active member for over 20 years. Max held the position of Club Captain for 2 years and was a constant at work bees and event planning and running. He also spent time as part of ‘Willie’s’ social team and played a hand in the Club’s Vintage Festival floats. The highly rated Club scrambles at Menglers Hill in the 70’s also had Max’s touch and he, along with Geoff Warnest and Bob Petts bought and wore the first KMCC jumpers. A handy solo rider Max had success at scrambles, road trials and observed trials. The quietest of the Life Members Max was never one to be at the forefront and worked quietly in the background for the good of the Club.


Phillip joined in the early 70’s and spent 5 – 6 years competing and working behind the scenes, but after this time he put his hand up and spent 10 years on the executive, as President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and Minutes Secretary, and for many years was a strong voice in the Club. Phillip also was a major worker on the renovations done to the clubrooms over many years as well as the Aussie Observed Trials titles run by the Club. Phil’s wife Jean became the first woman to sit on the Club executive in 1982, with her and their children a constant force at Club events, especially in the scoring tent at observed trials. In 1988 he branched away from the ‘competition club’ side of the sport and joined the Veteran & Vintage Club and has become an avid collector. (For more on Phillip refer to the champions section)


Phillip’s younger brother joined a year after his brother and in 4 short years became the Club’s first Australian Champion, winning the Australian Observed Trials Sidecar Championship with Phillip in the chair. (refer to the champions section) Roger’s interest in bikes came from watching down the road neighbour Jim Warnest racing past testing his road race Nortons, often in thongs and shorts. Roger thought this is the sport for me! Roger was another of the quiet behind the scenes workers for the Club, spending many weekends marking out trials, manning controls or holding positions at the Club scrambles. Recently Roger has dragged the old ‘Bully outfit’ out of the shed to have a few rides with son, Ian, still showing the style that made him a Champion.


One of the Club’s, and the sports true gentlemen, Dennis joined the Club in the mid 60’s and was one of the core group who kept the Club running when things looked bleak. Living in Bethel Dennis had quite a ride to meetings, but maybe that ‘practice’ held him in good stead as the roads he would have traveled would have been ideal. Dennis also opened up his land to the Club to run events, as well as the 24 Hour Trial. Weichert’s Paddock was the 1st off road section in the ‘24’ and has long been part of ‘24’ folklore. When Dennis retired from competition in 1989 (refer to the champions section), after 30 years in the saddle, he accepted the invitation to be the 24 Hour Trial’s official starter, a position he still holds. In 1990 he donated a trophy to the Club and the Dennis Weichert Trophy was born for the most promising novice in the KMCC.


The elder, and quietest of the Warnest boys, Ken joined in 1961 and during the bleak days of the mid 60’s he was cousin Geoff’s right hand man in keeping the Club going. A year as President told him that the top job wasn’t for him, handing the reins to Woof and Ken went on to be the Club’s longest serving Secretary /Treasurer through the Club’s toughest years. ‘Artie’ spent many hours setting up and running events for the Club. Working for the Leader Newspaper Ken designed and printed off the Club’s 1st letterhead, the desk in the clubrooms is his old kitchen table and the piston gavel is also his handy work. Ken was also a handy rider, passenger and tuner. He won the 1st recorded KMCC road trial in 1961, placed 3rd in the 1964 Australian 125cc road race Grand Prix, placed in many SA Grand Prix and Tourist Trophy races and tuned the motors on all of his brothers road race and trials bikes to great success.


The youngest, and the larrikin of the Holmes clan, Chris was the first member to compete successfully on the national enduro stage (refer to the champions section). Chris was a tireless worker in the Club holding many positions on the executive, but it was in the area of club events that Chris spent a lot of time in the early 80’s, organizing, running and giving a lot of assistance to new members. Chris showed great loyalty to the Club when a move to Mildura in the mid ‘80’s saw him continue to be a member and ride for the Club, until MA changed the law to holding a licence in the state you reside in. Even from interstate Chris keeps up with the Club and has traveled down from Mildura on many occasions for functions.


One of the nice guys of the Club and the sport, Fred has never hesitated to help out a Club Member, or even a member of another Club, with any problem they may be having with their bike, especially if it is a sidecar. Fred’s abilities as an engineer has helped many members over many years and a lot of sidecar teams have ridden, or are riding Fred Weckert built outfits. With Leigh Hollamby, Fred was at the fore of changing road trials sidecars from sit down touring types to stand up motocross types, usually bolted to 500 or 600cc 4 stroke singles. When Fred was awarded Life Membership the only surprised person was Fred himself and while most of Fred’s work in the Club has been behind the scenes it has been invaluable, especially to the younger members who have turned to him for advice and have not been turned away. (Fred is also featured in the champions section).


Ted joined the Club in the early ‘80s and is another who has left an indelible mark on the KMCC, when in 1985 he took over the Presidency and led the ‘third generation’ of the Club towards an exciting new era. With his progressive thinking and open mind, and a good team with him, the Club looked at renovating the back room of the clubrooms, brought the timing of events up to modern standards with instant results and generally brought the Club up to the next level of running a sporting organization professionally. On a bike Ted was no slouch either, leading the ‘24’ one year until mechanical woes ended his night, but he teamed up with Ian Scholz in ’85 to finish 2nd outright in the outfits. Ted also teamed with Robin Schick to win the SA ‘B’ Grade Observed Trial Sidecar Title.


Steve joined the Club in the late 70’s and was active from day 1, both as an organizer of Club events and as a competitor. Steve has tried many facets of the sport and may be the only KMCC member to have finished the 24 Hour Trial as a solo rider, sidecar rider and a sidecar passenger, a rare feat in the events long history. Steve has also swung for Chris Holmes in Observed Trials sidecars with a 4th at the Aussie Titles and a SA ‘B’ Grade Title to their names. Off the bike Steve spent 6 years as President and it was during his first term as President that the Club bid for and hosted the 1990 Aussie Observed Trials Titles. Steve was also prominent in the running of the ’94 Titles and it was the success of these events that led to the Life Member’s Room being built.


Saegy has been a member of the Club for half it’s existence, and perhaps only Geoff Warnest has done more for the KMCC than Craig. A tireless worker for the Club, whether it be social nights, work bees, club events, organizing and running open events or standing around a bonfire telling everyone how good you rode, Saegy was your man for the job. Oh, and he was pretty fair on a bike as well, solo or sidecar, riding or swinging. A 24 Hour Trial winning passenger in 1985 is the highlight of a career spanning road trials, motocross, observed trials, enduros and the odd hill climb. The list of achievements to long to list. President for 3 years in the 90’s, he held most positions on the executive and played a major part in the Club’s running of the Aussie Observed Trials Titles in ‘90 & ’94. Always with time for the junior members of the Club Craig is now a larger than life character in the Club, and has been the heart and soul of the KMCC for many years.


Ross was a founding member of the Club back in 1950, his interest coming from the fact he worked at Joe Doddridge’s workshop at Keyneton which had a BSA dealership. Ross may well have been the first member to own a sidecar when he built one himself in 1950. With his wife, Shirley working at the Leader Newspaper he was a natural to be the Club’s Publicity Officer, a position he held for many years. Ross was the prime mover in the Club for the Club to have floats in the bi-annual Barossa Vintage Festival. The 1st was in 1951 when he and other members bolted 2 bikes together and made a frame for a banner. The banner was made by Ross’ sister and still survives today, 51 years later, hanging in the Club. Ross also dressed a trials bike as a chariot and was a gladiator in one procession. A very successful sidecar rider saw Ross finish 2nd and 3rd in the ‘24’ and won a number of 6 Hours.


A member since 1981 when he was 14 Shane has been active since 1988 when he started to compete in road trials. He has ridden almost every year since with wins in the 1989 Levis 6 Hour and the ’93 Clare 6 Hour highlights, along with 5 top 10 finishes in the ‘24’. Shane also has 2 finishes in the Finke Desert Race to his credit. A big highlight for Shane was in ’99 when he rode a season on a 20 year old TT500 Yamaha, finishing every event, which included a fine 9th in the ‘24’. Off the bike Shane has made a name as an event organizer of the highest standard, his Mike Connors 6 Hour winning the best event of the year award. After 7 years of running events he stepped into the Presidents chair in ’97, holding it for 4 years before stepping down. It was in this time that he oversaw the 50th anniversary celebrations, an event he was most proud to do.


Shane joined the Club in the early ‘80’s and spent most of the ‘80’s dividing his time between football and bikes, but when he retired from footy he became a very active member in the Club. Parksy has had stints as Social Secretary, Club Captain, Vice President and in 2001 took over the Presidency from Shane Kraft. With the work he has done for the Club he became, in 2000 the 1st member to win the Club Person of the year for the 2nd time after a win in 1998. Shane was also a driving force in the Club’s running of the Aussie Observed Titles in 1990, ’94, and 2002, as well as the clubroom renovations and the 50th anniversary celebrations. A capable solo rider in road trials where DNF’s are rare Shane has had most success as a passenger, especially for long time friend and fellow Life Member Steve Brook.


Chris joined the club in 1985 and began competing in Reliability Trials in 1986 starting with the Mike Connors Trial and riding the Reliability Trials series over a 10 year period with  podium finishes in his class. Chris has ridden the 24hr Trial 9 times, finishing 5 times with a best result of 16th after 2 time card penalties. Has ridden cross country enduros and every Statewide Rally (originally run by the Velocette MCC  & continued by the Keyneton MCC) since 1989 to the last one run in 2009.  Still comes out to ride club rides. Chris has been a Reliability Trials delegate since 1989 and is still active on the committee, producing the annual supplementary rule book for SA Reliability Trials as well as the Series Supp Regs, and is administrator to the SART website. When ever the club ran an event, from static displays to open competition Chris was there to help, going to the extend of hand painting the original 6m KMCC banners used for the biannual Vintage Festival float displays the club entered.

Chris organised and participated in the senior KMCC display team held at local shows and constructed the jumps and props for that purpose, including the purchase of a Toyota Station wagon in which he reinforced and painted for the purpose of Moto Trials demonstrations. Chris has worked as an observer at Aust Titles and other Observed Trials events.

1990 & 1991  KMCC Social Secretary

1993 – 2006  KMCC Publicity Officer

1990/1994/2002/2007/2011   On Australian Observed Trial Committee

1997 – 2002   Helped set up & run KMCC control at 24Hr Trial

2001 – 2006   KMCC Competition Secretary

2003   Gained Official’s Licence

2003 – Current KMCC Website Administrator

2007  Race Secretary at World Police & Fire Games (Enduro)

2007  Co-publicity Officer since

2007 –  Competition Secretary for 24hr Trial

2010 Was awarded with the “Frank Franklin Trophy”, for an outstanding contribution to motorcycle sport in SA.

In the interests of promoting the sport Chris has filmed various events producing video or DVD including the 24hr Trial, Moto Trials, Sidecar Cross, KMCC Enduro Cross & KMCC promotional Video for Trials Week in 2011.

Chris Has organised/provided audio &/or visual displays at various functions/events including – Reliability Trials Presentation nights, Enduro Presentation nights, KMCC Anniversary occasions, Reliability Trials & Enduro events,  24Hr Trial Presentation nights.

Has participated in/organised KMCC display team – at Angaston & Tanunda Shows

Has helped at/participated in – Xmas parade displays/local shows

Has participated in club days as competitor, official or helper

Helped with the renovations of the ‘Life Members Room

Has been willing helper at various working bees

Made the (original) KMCC club banners

Purchased and modified and painted the KMCC display car for the purpose of Moto Trials demonstrations.

Constructed ramps/jumps for the purpose of the KMCC display team.

Chris Continues to help out at club events.


Biography still to be loaded


Wack’ was one of the true characters in the Club, and one of its hardest workers. Joining the Club in the late 1960’s he was President of the Club for 2 terms as well as Competition Secretary and Club Captain and was one of the main players in the Club securing Mitchell’s land on which the great scramble track of the 1970’s and ‘80’s was built. Wack became a legend though, at least to the kids who grew up in the Club in the 70’s, as half of the ‘Wack & Willie’ sidecar team. Geoff and Laurie Williams were 2 larger than life characters who became one of the most successful outfit teams the Club has produced, both in Observed Trials and Road Trials. They were SA Champions and Australian Championship runners up in observed trials and won the 24 Hour Trial in 1971, but ’78 was a fine swan song for the team. Reuniting after a few years off the duo bought home their outfit in 2nd place in a wet event where only 34 of 152 made it with Willie flying the Club flag as they crossed the finish line.

 BOB PETTS, 2007

Bob joined the Club in 1963 and started competing in reliability and observed trials. With Brenton Diener, they were the first members to win the 24 Hour Trial on a sidecar in 1964. His best finish on a solo was 4th outright. In January 1964 he took over the Secretary/Treasurers positions from Joe Doddridge, holding them through 1964/65 as well. He was also Competition Secretary, Social Secretary and Club Captain. With Geoff Warnest and Max Lee, he bought the Club’s first jumpers and gave the Club its colours and was the instigator and original organiser of the Mountain Man Moto Trial. Prior to the 1965 AGM there had been a lot of talk about the club folding due to lack of members and funds (73 cents in the bank). It was minuted that at the 1965 AGM it was to be decided if the Club had a future. A vote was taken among the 9 members present with Bob having the deciding vote – he voted the club kept going. More than one person at that meeting has confirmed that Bob did have the deciding vote on the club’s future.


Ben joined the club in 1985 and started competing in Observed Trials the following year at Victor Harbour on his 12th birthday.  He went on to competing at National level as a Junior and in ’90 competed as a C grader, then as a B grader in ’91-92 before moving into A grade in ’93-96.  In ’99 he turned his riding to sidecars as a B grade rider and then to A grade the following year until present.  Ben has competed at 15 Australian Titles with his best results being 6 times in the top 3 placing’s in Australia while competing on a sidecar, and has 3 state titles (2 solo and 1 sidecar) to his name.  Ben has assisted at, to running 5 Australian Titles in South Australia, 4 of which have been run by the KMCC. He has maintained a high standard and only aimed high each year with great success and help from other club members.  Ben has been involved with organizing Trials in the club since about ’94 and the main organizer since 1999. He has held an officials license since about ’94 and hasn’t hesitated in fulfilling any roll that is required when he hasn’t been competing himself. Ben was the main instigator for reintroducing the 2Day Moto Trial in 2001 which has now become the stand alone State Title round each year for which the KMCC have been holding since 2004 on alternate years.

His roles cover positions such as Clerk of Course at a number of Reliability Trials and Enduros, and a countless number of cub days and Observed Trials. He has been on the Moto Trials Sub-committee in sum way since 1990 and still is. He has also given a lot of his time to the 24hr Trial Committee for many years, especially the last 4-5 years.  Ben’s Official capacity has taken him to a National level with him being on the Moto Trials Commission for the past 2 years.  If a Club working bee was organised then Ben would be there, as the evidence around the Club rooms shows from cutting back the pines, to putting in the back wall and even keeping the weeds down, Ben has played a part.  Ben is the first 2nd generation member to receive Life Membership.


Biography still to be loaded


Biography still to be loaded


Andrew joined the club in 1994 and started competing in 1995. His first event was a big one, the 24 Hour Reliability Trial. He has competed in nearly everyone since, missing only a few.

At the end of ’95 he took up the position of Publicity Officer which he did for 6 years and in ’96 took on the roll of club Secretary which he also did for 6 years. He broke up the the publicity officer roll in to 2 three year terms broken by a 3 year break and the Secretary was 4 years with a 3 year break followed by his 2 years in the position finishing in 2005.

During this time he was also organising the clubs big event, the Mike Connors Reliability Trial which he did for 6 years taking over from Shane Kraft. They were big boots to fill but he managed to do that very well.

He is always prepared to help where ever he can; all you need to do is ask. He has marked numerous paddocks for the reliability trial and has observed for the Aussie Moto Trials Championships which the club has run since his joining and probably all the open rounds that he has been asked to observe at. He has helped with the catering and even the bar where and when required.

He has also helped out at the Enduro-X since it has started as he is prepared to help in any and all facets of motorcycling.

Andrew is still an active competitor in reliability trials as he doesn’t know how to stop riding them.

His attitude to motorcycling and the club is always happy to have an input to help keep the club going in its forward direction.


Chris first joined the club in 1985

Was on the executive committee for 6 years. Out of this he was secretary for 3 of those years (1986-1988) and the other 3 years were assistant secretary (1991-1993)

Helped with the renovations of the ‘Life Members Room’

Chris was on the Australian Observed Trial Championship committee in 1990 and 1994

Helped out by observing, catering or general help for the Australian Observed Trial Championships in 1998, 2002, 2007, 2011

Chris has also helped out with the use of their land for Clubdays

Reliability Trials

Chris has swung for a few people over the years. Phil Hage and Craig Saegenschnitter being two.

Chris has helped out and helps out with the Keyneton Reliability Trial by running a control. He has also helped and helps with the KMCC control at the 24 Hour Trial.

Moto Trials

Teamed up with Fred Weckert for 7 years in B grade. There were also a few other riders over the years.

Chris still helps out with observing at Moto Trials when he can.

Chris now supports Bradley and even has taken to riding a Moto Trials bike with daughter Deanna.


Peter joined the club in 1983

Was on the executive committee for 8 years. Treasurer 1988-1990,

1992-1994, 1996 and Club Captain in 1987

Helped with the renovations of the ‘Life Members Room’

Peter was on the Australian Observed Trial Championship Committee in 1990 and 1994

Helped out by observing, catering or general help for the Australian Observed Trial Championships in 1998, 2002, 2007 and 2011

Club person of the year in 1996

Reliability Trials

Swung for Fred Weckert 1983-1994, winning the 24 Hour Trial in 1984 and 1989

Won Star Award 1984

Won sidecar team awards in 1985, 1987, 1989, 1992

Peter has helped out and helps out with the Keyneton Reliability Trial by running a control. He also has helped and helps with the KMCC control at the 24 Hour Trial.

Moto Trials

Teamed up with Craig Saegy for 7 years

Won State Titles and went into A grade

Peter still helps observe at moto trials when he can

Just a little interesting piece of information – Peter is the only member to NEVER have owned a bike!


Robin joined the club in approximately 1982

Robin sat on the Executive Committee for 5 years

1986 Club Captain,

1987 Publicity Officer

1993-1994 Competition Secretary

1996 Assistant Secretary

Helped with the renovations of the ‘Life Members Room’ and the building of ‘shed 1’, as well as the building of the catering van

Helped out by observing, catering or general help for the Australian Observed Trial Championships in 1998, 2002, 2007 & 2011

Reliability Trials

Rode solo in 1982 – finishing the 24 for the first time

Robin teamed up with brother Mark for many years as passenger, with 2nd in the 24 Hour in 1986 & 1988 as their best finishes.

Also rode in 2002 with passanger Matthew Gladigau, again finishing 2nd, and becoming one of very few modern era competitors to finish the 24 on a solo, as a sidecar rider and as a sidecar passenger

Robin has helped out and helps out with the Keyneton Reliability Trail by running a control, he also has helped and helps with the KMCC control at the 24 hour trial – Lap 2 with Peter Menzel and brother Mark. This has been for over the last 20 years

Moto Trials

Robin was a B Grade SA Champion with Ted Redway, and as a team were graded to A Grade

Rode in the 1990 Australian Observed Trials hosted by the club

Robin helps out when he can with observing at Moto Trials when he can

Robin was always around with a shovel in his hand, a trailer on his car and a willingness to help out in any way he could (and still helps to this day)


Mark joined the club in approximately 1982

Mark sat on the Executive Committee for 6 years.

1985 Club Captain

1987 – 1990 & 1995 Assistant Secretary

Helped with the renovations of the ‘Life Members Room’ and the building of ‘Shed 1’ as well as being one of the major players in the building of the catering van

Helped out by observing, catering or general help for the Australian Observed Trial Championships in 1990, 1994, 1998, 2002 & 2007 (unsure if he was around for 2011)

Reliability Trials

Rode solo in 1982 – finishing the 24 for the first time

Mark teamed up with brother Robin for many years as passenger, with 2nd in the 24 Hour in 1986 & 1988 as their best finishes.

Mark has helped out and helps out with the Keyneton Reliability Trail by running a control, he also has helped and helps with the KMCC control at the 24 hour trial – usually lap 2 with Peter Menzel and brother Robin. This has been for over the last 20 years

Mark still helps out with Observing at Moto Trials when he can.


Jean is classed as one of the matriarchs of the club.

First got involved after meeting and marrying Philip Holmes in 1974

Jean was on the executive committee for a total of 5 years.

1979-1981 Publicity Officer

1982-1983 Secretary/Treasurer

1984 Secretary

Jean, in joining the Executive in 1979, became the first woman to sit on the Executive in the Keyneton MCC’s history!

With the increased work load, and with the Club’s rise on the SA scene, as well as Nationally, Jean proposed, and over-saw the separating of the Secretary & Treasurer positions at the 1983 AGM – they had been a combined position since the Club’s inception

Jean was also on the Executive when the change was made to hold the AGM in October instead of June (1981)

Jean is still to this day the Public Officer of the Keyneton MCC and holds the Club Seal!

Jean was directly involved in the club for nearly 20 years and had seen many changes happen and also took part in happening – the original ‘shed’ in Angaston becoming too small, the move to Wilton Hall, the renovations to the Hall with the new toilets & kitchen, the Life Members room being built, shed #1 being constructed and much more

Jean, never one to sit still has always been helping with scoring and catering at Observed Trials (now Moto Trials), including being the main scorer for many years, which included Australian and South Australian Championship meetings, and to the present day, still ‘pops’ out and has a chat with riders and helps with scoring, if needed.

For many years has been involved in running a control at the Keyneton Reliability Trail and 24 Hour Trial – and has also helped with the scoring of both.


Biography still to be loaded


Biography still to be loaded


-16 straight years as Treasurer

-The longest serving Treasurer in Club history

-The longest continuous run as Treasurer in Club history

-The longest continuous run in any position on the Executive Committee

-The most terms in any position, continuous or not on the Executive Committee

-In these 16 years, he has been the Treasurer for 2 Australian Trial Championships, as well as a number of Australian Off Road Championship events that the Club has held.

-19 total years on the Keyneton MCC Executive Committee

-2nd in Club history for years spent on the Executive Committee

-19 straight years – the longest continuous run on the Executive in Club history

-One of only 4 persons to have sat on the Executive for more than 15 years in the 70 years history of the Club

-10 years of being the main organiser of the Keyneton MCC Reliability Trial

-The only person to have been the main organiser for 10 years, Which is also the longest continuous run in event history

These years also considered with the 40th Mike Connors trophy and 60th Annual Road trial events in 2018 and 2020 respectively. Through this time he has also been available for many other events, whether they be Club events or State or even Australian Championships, helping wherever and whenever needed. He is also a member of the Reliability Trials Sports Management Group, and gives the Club a strong voice when it comes to the SART Championship series, and has done so for a number of years now. In regards the annual Reliability Trial, he has developed and maintained excellent relationships with the Club’s many land owners, the ones that were already being used by the club and the many new ones he has sourced through many years now. He has also played a huge part in gaining equipment for the club, most notably all of the stakes now needed for running all of the club events, as well as upkeeping a lot of the major assets the Club has, like the club toilets, trailer (old and new), quad bike and catering van. He has organised and run many working bees, both before and after events, to keep all of the Club’s expendable equipment well maintained and stored between events, and in the process giving it a longer life to be used at more events.

As a rider and a passenger, he was, and is, no mug either, with a number of top 3 finishes in the 24 Hour Trial as a passenger, and top 5 finishes as a rider, as well as great results in many other events as well, both on solo and sidecar – and this includes a finish in Australia’s most famous desert race, the Finke Desert Race. He has also jumped to the trials discipline and had 2 National podium finishes, passengering for Ben Zander at the Australian Trial Championships in 2005 and 2006.